Crazy Shirt Productions, founded by Shawn Ahmed and Scott Leaver, is an award-winning collective of ambitious artists committed to producing out-of-the-box comedies and dramas for Film, Television and Web. Their first project, Paranormal Investigators, a TV pilot starring Patrick McKenna and David Ferry, served as a launching pad for future endeavours. Since forming in 2012, Shawn and Scott have managed to produce 6 different projects, three of which have been sold to Bell Fibe TV1. They are; Touring T.O., an award-winning 8 part mini-series about about a bungled Toronto touring company, which has screened at festivals around the world and was later sold to the Fremantle Corporation; Open Heart Burglary, a comedy heist in which a young man decides to rob his father's Kensington Market sheesha lounge to pay back a criminal debt; and Fare Trade (launched on October 31st), produced in partnership with Floating Island Entertainment and Bunz Trading Zone. Additionally, the team is gearing up to release Good Morning, Tonight! (launched November 13th), a dystopian “Regis and Kelly”-style talk show in a world where the sun’s radiations are so lethal everyone wakes up at dusk (it’s a Good Morning, Tonight!).
At Crazy Shirt Productions, we have one rule: if it makes us laugh, it stays; otherwise, it gets cut. We hope you enjoy our projects half as much as we love making them! |