Fare Trade, a 5 part mini-series, follows the misadventures of Cleo, Vic, and Janet, three self-absorbed millennials who no longer believe in money. They don’t want to make it, they don’t want to spend it! This no-cash way of life lands them in a world of crooked cops, superheroes, and zombies that want to make love. They barter, they cheat, they steal and they scheme. Oh, how they will scheme...
Watch the show: https://www.bunzlife.com/ Ahmed and Leaver serve as the writers/directors/producers on Fare Trade. The series is Executive Produced by animation legend, Michael Hirsh (co-founder of Nelvana), Jonathan Hirsh (also the Creator and a co-producer) and Divya Shahani (Associate at Hall Webber LLP). Fare Trade is the result of several exciting teams coming together: Floating Island Entertainment, Bunz Trading Zone, Bell Fibe TV1, and Crazy Shirt Productions. |